Choosing Dog Fencing: What Criteria To Consider

When people talk about dog fencing, there is a common tendency to focus solely on invisible or electric fences. While these options are great, they may not be best for every situation. To choose a fence that is right for your home and your pet, learn more about some of the factors you want to consider.


Keep the temperament of your dog in mind. Aggressive dogs can be intimidating to others and can become agitated easily. A tall, durable wooden fence that works as a buffer to the outside world often works best. In contrast, an invisible fence or iron fence that allows for a clear view of people passing by can cause you, the animal, and your neighbors, undue stress.


A dog fence does not have to serve a sole purpose, it can also serve a functional purpose for you, such as privacy. If you would prefer that your neighbors not have a clear view around your yard, the type of wood fence previously mentioned or a vinyl fencing system would work best to ensure your yard remains secluded, while your dog also stays safe and contained.

Dog Size

Always be mindful of the size of your dog. Even if your pet is playful and loving, if your dog jumps the fence it can cause problems for you, and more importantly, put the animal's safety in jeopardy. If you have a small dog, such as a chihuahua, a four-foot fence might be sufficient, but for larger breeds, such as a Labrador, you may want to aim for six-feet.


Over the years, your dog will probably run into the fence a few times, dig around it, and cause other damage. Couple this everyday wear and tear with weather wear, and the lifespan of the fence could be shortened. You should always choose fencing that can withstand the weather in your area. For instance, if you live in a humid climate, a vinyl fence is likely to wear well and last long.

Curb Appeal

Consider your curb appeal goals. If you are someone who likes the look of open space and has a gorgeous yard to show off, provided your dog can pass the temperament test, an invisible fence may be the best solution for you. These fences can keep the animal contained, without causing any obstructions to the view around your home.

Keep all these factors in mind as you search for a fence for your dog that is safe and functional. Visit or a similar site for more help and information.
