What To Look Out For With A Chain Link Fence

Chain link fences are an incredibly popular choice for commercial properties, thanks to their durability and budget-friendly cost. However, keep in mind that any fence requires regular maintenance, and chain link fences are no exception.

This post discusses some of the most common issues to look out for with a commercial chain link fence.

Leaning Posts

One of the most common problems people experience with chain link fences is leaning posts. This occurs when the posts become loose in their holes due to shifting soil, strong winds, or other environmental factors. Sometimes, the posts lean too far and cause the entire fence to become unbalanced.

If left unaddressed, leaning posts can cause a chain link fence to buckle or even collapse completely. To prevent this from happening, you need to routinely check all of your fence posts for signs of movement or instability.

If you notice your posts starting to lean, use a wooden shim or concrete mix to secure them in place. Fencing experts recommend wooden shims for loose soil, while the concrete mix is better for compacted areas.


Rust is another problem that can affect a chain link fence over time. This is especially true if you live in an area with high humidity levels and saltwater exposure. The rust forms when the metal becomes exposed to the elements and starts to corrode. It can weaken the fence's structure, making it more susceptible to damage from wind or other environmental factors.

To prevent this from happening, you should inspect the fence regularly and repair any rust spots before they become too severe. You can do this yourself using steel wool or sandpaper or hire a professional to take care of it for you. You can also coat the fence with an anti-rust sealant or powder to help prevent future corrosion.


Buckling is another issue that can arise with chain-link fences. This occurs when the tension of the fence becomes uneven, which causes it to bow outwards. The most common cause of buckling is inadequate bracing or tensioning, which can be caused by poor installation or damage from an external force.

If you notice your fence starting to buckle, contact a fencing professional who can inspect the fence to see where the tension is lacking and make the necessary repairs. They may need to add bracing or increase the tension to the fence to restore its original shape.

From leaning posts to rust buildup and poor tension, there are several potential problems you should be aware of when it comes to maintaining a commercial chain link fence. But fortunately, they're all relatively easy to address if caught early enough.

Regularly inspecting your fence for signs of wear and tear is key. And if you do so consistently, then you should be able to catch any potential issues before they become major problems. For more information on commercial fencing, contact a professional near you.
